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Dental Fillings

3D rendering of three teeth each with a different dental filling material: composite, amalgam, and goldFillings in the teeth are a typical remedy for dental cavities. You will be evaluated by our clinic's dentists to decide the best strategy to manage your tooth deterioration. If left untreated, tooth decay can progress and lead to the loss of the entire tooth. As a result, seeing a dentist to correct the condition and restore ideal dental health is vital. Our dentists at Cornell Dental will ensure that you have the best filling experience possible so that your teeth can be restored to their original shape and function.

Different Types of Fillings

The two most frequent forms of fillings provided at the clinic are amalgam and composite fillings. Mercury is mixed with other metals to make amalgam, sometimes known as silver fillings. It is mainly used to treat dental decay in molars and back teeth since it is robust and resilient.

Composite fillings are another alternative for curing tooth decay that the doctor may advise. Composite fillings are made by mixing different materials together, such as acrylics and glass-like particles pulverized into powder. The majority of the time, they are used to treat decaying areas of the front teeth. Composite fillings are tooth-colored replacements that are visually pleasing because they match your tooth color. Additionally, there are other types of fillings such as gold and porcelain fillings that you can use to treat your cavity.

The Filling Process

When you come to the dentist's office for a tooth filling, speak with the doctor to determine which type of filling is ideal for your case. The procedure is normally done in the office, and a local anesthesia may be used based on the extent of tooth decay. Before a filling, a shallow cavity, for instance, will not require numbing.

The dentist will then use a drill and other oral devices to eliminate the damaged area of your tooth. The dentist will fill the cavity in your tooth with the filling of your choosing. To cement the composite filling, a small blue light is directed at your tooth. Once the filling has been placed, the surgeon polishes it so as not to irritate your tongue or mouth. Recovery will be nearly instantaneous provided there is no interruption in the procedure.

Caring for Fillings

After getting a filling at our office, you can immediately resume your daily routine. To ensure that your fillings last for a long period, you must continue to practice good dental hygiene. Furthermore, you should brush twice a day, and floss at least once per day. Also ensure you have regular visits to your doctor for cleanings. Fillings are an effective treatment for dental cavities that can last a long time before needing to be refilled.

Come to Cornell Dental if you or a loved one has tooth decay, and our specialists will advise you on the best filling treatment. For more information on the filling procedure or to make a consultation with one of our specialists, please call (971) 397-6196. We are always delighted to see you and will do everything we can to ensure that you have the best oral health possible.
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Cornell Dental, 5880 NE Cornell Rd. Suite A, Hillsboro, OR 97124 • (971) 397-6196 • • 2/1/2025 • Related Phrases: dentist Hillsboro OR •